Always armed with excuses.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I have developed a habit of writing blog posts when I’m away on the weekends and without an internet connection. Then, I’ll forget to post them when I get back. So, now, I am finally posting a series of meaningless ramblings that were written almost a week ago. This will probably end up being a running theme as my life is currently rather chaotic. The following was written 02/25/11.

Yes, yes, I know. I was supposed to be redesigning this place. Creating content. Working on becoming a “real” blogger. Or at least one who actually, you know, blogs. But you see, as usual, life got in the way.

So what’s my excuse this time? Well, I’m moving.

The thing is though, due to my inherently indecisive nature (and various other factors, but mostly that), I can’t just pack up and move like a normal person. No, I have to do this shit in stages. So, four nights a week, I still live at my mom’s and go to work and live my life as I have for the last year or so. And the other three nights a week, I live in South Louisiana with my boyfriend. All of my belongings are slowly making their way down here (furniture will be last), so I will actually “live” here before much longer, but will probably still keep my job and live with my mother four days a week for a while. Because just moving is far too much for my fragile psyche to handle.

Quit judging me. This is the way I roll.

But, hey, it’s an adventure! No, really.

I have lived in Louisiana for pretty much my entire life, though that life has been interspersed with brief stints in Texas and Arkansas and a few briefer jaunts about the country. However, South Louisiana is like a whole different planet. Seriously. If you have never been here, you have no idea. And you should totally come visit, because it is awesome, but completely different than pretty much anywhere else.

Because when I say South Louisiana, what I am telling you is that I have moved into what is pretty much the heart of Acadiana. Um, hello, what did you expect? I am dating a coonass after all. Oh, wait, you probably have no idea what that means.

Google. Or move to Louisiana. Actually, just move. Google will never properly explain the intricacies of such a thing.

I am actually supposed to be doing some more clean-up on the house we are renting, but I am lazy. And bloated and crampy. TMI? I don’t care. I’m also terribly grumpy.

I might go throw a few things in the wash and then snuggle down and watch a movie. Or read a book. But mostly likely? Yeah, there’s not going to be much “cleaning.” Good thing we’re mostly done. And that the boyfriend doesn’t really stay here much when I’m not here.

Because he thinks the house is haunted.

But that is a story for another time.

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I don't own the words, but the order in which they're written is mine, so don't take 'em without asking, k?
© 2010 HRP