I much prefer my virtual reality.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I’ve gotten excited about a lot of things lately, but have followed through with pretty much nothing. Most notable of these things? I finally got into a Beta Event for Rift: Planes of Telara. I’ve been super excited about this game since a friend first introduced me to it when it was merely a blip on the horizon (pre-beta, obvs). It’s been in Beta since November-ish, but I haven’t been very aggressive about trying to obtain a beta invite because it went into Beta right about the time that I met the boyfriend.

So I finally got a beta invitation, and what happens? My stupid satellite internet has thwarted all plans for gameplay. The Beta Event is over tomorrow, and I still haven’t managed to get the game fully downloaded and patched. It’s a 7+GB file, so yeah. I really should have just left my laptop at a friend’s house and let the file finish downloading and patching over the course of a night. But I haven’t really had the time to go to a friend’s place and leave my computer. Nor am I willing to be parted for my baby for any period of time.

Why is it even necessary for me to leave my computer elsewhere? Obviously you are not acquainted with HughesNet and the devilish tease that they call highspeed internet*. You see, when you live in the middle of nowhere, satellite internet is your only option. And they know it. And so they do horrid things to you like implementing download allowances. So, suffice it to say that my internet would crap out completely well before this file was even 1/4 through the download.

So, yes. My inner geek is in serious pain. No Beta Event for me. But I won’t stop trying. I need Rift in my life.

What did I do today?

Work. Oh, and completely dismantled the receiver/DVD player for our Home Theater System. A few weeks ago, it ate my brand new Inception DVD. Would NOT eject it. Would not play it. My mad google-fu produced only one solution. Take it apart. And so I did. And put it back together. Correctly, even. Yeah, I’m shocked, too. Surround sound is still on the fritz though, so we’re getting a new one anyway. Putting the stupid thing back together was kind of  waste. Not that it matters. I wanted a new one anyway. My mad google-fu also produced many negative reviews of that particular product.

What else? Nothing important.

I am carefully considering my final votes for the 20sb Bootleg Awards, and will likely be casting my votes before bed tonight. Not that it matters, but it’s fun.

I’m going to actually sit down and formulate a real post at some point. Maybe. I don’t know. I’ll think about it tomorrow.

*Yes, I really do hate HughesNet that much. If you intend to do anything other than surf randomly, it’s not for you. SERIOUSLY not for you. The download allowances are kind of pitiful.

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How Everybody Gets Found by Hilary is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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I don't own the words, but the order in which they're written is mine, so don't take 'em without asking, k?
© 2010 HRP