Finding a Niche.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

If there has one thing I have noticed whilst lurking about the blogosphere, it’s this: the only “successful” bloggers, have found their niche. Be it fashion blogging, mommy blogging, photo blogging, career blogging, etc., they’ve found something that people immediately identify them with.

I’ve spent a lot of time on 20SB and clicking through links on various blogs in search of fodder for my Google Reader, and the thing I’ve noticed that many of the writers I follow have in common is that there is one thing that they are really good at writing about.

This makes me think that I will likely never be a really “successful” blogger. I am not a mommy or a fashionista or a photographer or chronicling my amazing weight loss journey. I am just your average girl flailing and floundering about out there in the Real World. And really, that’s everyone so why would anyone want to read that?

Of course, I suppose that it really depends on how you define success. If all you’re looking to do is clear your head, then I suppose it doesn’t really matter what you’re writing about.

A lot of people define success in blogging as being able to use it as a means of financial gain. While it would be utterly fantastic to be able to sit at home and pound out blatherings and get paid (or at least get free shiz), that’s not at all what I’m looking for.

I think, in the end, I want what most people want. Acceptance. Recognition. Someone to understand, relate, and maybe once in a while say, “Hey, it’s like she crawled inside my head and said it so much better than I ever could have.”

Is “flailing, floundering, semi-crazy twenty-something trying to get on with her life” actually a niche though? I think not. Maybe I should learn to bake something fancy.

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