Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I know I have been quite (in)conspicuously absent recently, but it’s been busy around here what with the holidays and the leading of a double life and all.

It is so much easier to keep my mouth shut than to bother sorting out what I should and shouldn’t say. And so I do. But that is not to last for long, because I do plan to start 2011 with a heaping plateful of truth.

But I still have a few days of 2010 left in which to enjoy secrets and lies and my busy, busy double life.

For the record, no, I have not become a secret agent. But it’s a damned shame. All of my talents are being wasted with this hotel business.

Change is coming. I can taste it on the air.

And so, I bid you happy holidays and the warmest of wishes for the new year from myself and the two furballs at my feet.


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