Humble beginnings.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

This is not, in fact, my first post to 'How Everybody Gets Found.' In fact, I have posted at least one other introductory post, but then quickly abandoned this blog. Flighty of me, I know.

I have deleted that introduction in order to post this one. That introduction was no longer appropriate as it was written months ago and my life has progressed beyond that description to such an extent as to make it entirely false.

Where am I now? No more or less lost than I was then. Just differently lost, and actively searching for the route back to the person I was a year ago.

I always feel obligated to warn people of what they should expect from my blog postings. First rule? Expect the unexpected. My life is constantly changing, as are my moods and my interests. It will never do you any good to think that you know me, because the next day, I may be someone completely different.

This will be my first time blogging 'anonymously' as I've always made my other blogs intensely personal. Bear with me for a bit, as I really have no true beginning to begin at and will have to sort things a bit before properly attempting to make a substantial contribution to the blogosphere.


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How Everybody Gets Found by Hilary is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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I don't own the words, but the order in which they're written is mine, so don't take 'em without asking, k?
© 2010 HRP